Johnny Wishon, founder of Wishon Evergreens, the Christmas Tree Company, and co-founder of Appalachian Produce Company, has passionately committed his life to sustainable farming practices.

Beginning with a modest number of trees on his family's land, he has transformed the Blue Ridge Mountain family farm into over 1,000 acres of Christmas Trees and more than 400 acres of pumpkins, all cultivated using responsible farming methods that prioritize the health of the land and its resources.


We take pride in growing exceptional Christmas trees, wreaths, and garlands. We handpick and thoroughly inspect each live Christmas tree. Only USDA Premium Grade Christmas trees that pass our rigorous selection process are delivered to you.

The Fraser Fir is one of the most popular options for Christmas trees due to its shape, fragrance, and long-lasting durability throughout the season. Because they are native to the Appalachian Mountains, our North Carolina farm is uniquely suited to ensuring continually high-quality trees year after year.


Johnny was nominated by Callie Birdsell Carson, Field Representative, North Carolina, Farm Bureau Federation. She says, “Johnny has a unique operation as a sole proprietor, growing Christmas trees, pumpkins, gourds, and greenery. I’ve always found him to be a laid-back, highly intelligent, well-respected man in the community who enjoys sharing his knowledge and love of agriculture with others. Growing half a million trees, he’s conscientious of the environment, innovative, and relatable. There’s more than one reason why people around here call him ‘Mr. Christmas.’”


We take pride in our sustainable approach to farming and embrace sustainable practices that are gentle to soil, water, and wildlife, preserving the natural world for future generations.

Most of the trees we grow are native to our area of North Carolina. Growing native species is ideal for the environment because the land is adapted to them.

With a computerized mapping system, our fields are scouted periodically. This practice approach, in addition to other methods, allows us to use the lowest possible glyphosate rates and minimize our pesticide use.